- Saturday 27 July 2024 - Alta Valtellina Bike Marathon awaits you


Race Rules

Everything you need to know about the race

The Alta Valtellina Bike Marathon takes place on Saturday, July 27, 2024 starting from Valdidentro (SO) in Rasin.

MARATHON departure 7.30 am - depending on the number of participants the departures will be staggered.
ENDURANCE departure 9.30 am - depending on the number of participants the starts will be staggered.
CLASSIC Start 11:20 am - based on the number of participants the starts will be staggered.

Three routes:

MARATHON 100 KM - 3260 mt elevation gain

ENDURANCE 76 KM - 2400 mt elevation gain

CLASSIC 44 KM - 1485 mt elevation gain

Participants must choose the route at registration. It is not possible to change the route during the race.

The route division is scheduled at km 33 at Alpe Trela.

It is possible to change the route chosen at registration by 30/06/2024, after this date the change is made against a payment of € 10.00 no later than 14/07/2024.

The procedure to be followed is as follows:

  • Until 30/06/2024 send communication to the email address: info@followyourpassion.it specifying first name, last name, date of birth and the new route chosen.

  • From 30/06/2024 to 14/07/2024 send communication to the address emai: info@followyourpassion.it specifying first name, last name, date of birth and the new route chosen. A copy of the transfer of € 10.00 (for each route change) should be attached to the communication.
    Account payable to: LAGUNA RUNNING SSDRL
    IBAN: IT12N0306909400100000074508

    Reason for payment: AVBM 2024 ROUTE CHANGE

Communications received after July 14, 2024 will not be considered.


Registration is done ON-LINE. Online registration closes at 24:00 on 25/07/2024.

On-site registration is possible, only if there are still places available, on Friday, July 26.

It is the participant's responsibility to have all documentation in line with what is required. There is no policy refund 

In addition to registering as specified above, FCI members must subsequently also register through the K-factor (http://fci.ksport.kgroup.eu/Fci/) through their sport club by Wednesday, July 24, 2024. After that date, the K-factor will be closed and not reopened for ANY category.

Marathon Race ID: 169678
Endurance Race ID: 173135
Classic Race ID:171471

Entries made only through K-Factor are not valid, just as those not finalized also through K-Factor are not valid for FCI members.

In case of non-participation, the amount will neither be refunded nor transferred to the following year. There is no shipping of the race packet.

€ 60,00 until 31/01/24

 70,00 until 31/03/24

 75,00 until 31/05/24

 80,00 until 25/07/24

€ 90,00 on site

Cumulative team registrations: every 5 athletes registered, one entry is free (5+1 free). For info and registration for teams write to giuseppe@mgsport.it

For Competitors in the ELITE category, the entry fee is set at €15. This registration fee does not include the delivery of the race packet to the athlete. Registration by elites must be done by sending an email to info@followyourpassion.it attaching the K-factor registration form.

Entry fee includes: race packet, timing, medical assistance, radio aid, mechanical assistance at the start, refreshments along the route and at the finish, lunch party, showers, bike wash and awards ceremony.

Open M/F (Elite and Under 23) - Elite Sport -M1 - M2 -M3 - M4 -M5 - M6 - M7+ - Elite Women Sport + W1 - W2 + W3

Open M/F (Elite and Under 23) - Elite Sport – M1 – M2 –M3 – M4 –M5 – M6 - M7+ Elite Women Sport + W1 – W2 + W3

Junior competitive M/F - Elite Sport -- M1 - M2 -M3 - M4 -M5 - M6 - M7+ - Elite Women Sport + W1 - W2 + W3


The event is open to all FCI or Consulta members and members of a foreign national cycling federation.

The marathon and endurance routes are open to those born in 2005 and earlier.

The classic route is open to those born in 2007 and earlier.


Non-members with a valid medical certificate for competitive cycling may participate in the marathon, endurance or classic routes upon payment of € 10.00 as FCI daily insurance to enter the ranking in their category.

For the issuing of the daily competitive card and for the participation of foreign cardholders, it is necessary to sign the ethics declaration required by the FCI rules and hand it in to the organisation. Download the form

Participation is subject to regular possession of the following requirements:

  • athletes registered with the FCI or a sports promotion organisation: health certificate for competitive cycling (certificates for other types of sport such as triathlon, duathlon, athletics, etc. are not valid);
  • athletes who are not members of the FCI Italian Cycling Federation and are not in possession of a validated certificate, upload the data and copy of the medical certificate at the time of registration, or at a later stage on their registration or upload dashboard and daily license
  • for persons of foreign residence (non Italians): health certificate for participation in competitive cycling races also issued by a doctor in your country of residence - for the correct model see link: cate-health form.

It is the participant's responsibility to have all documentation in line with what is required by the rules. There is no refund policy

It is possible to replace a participant's name with that of another person. The procedure to follow is as follows. Send a communication to the email address: info@altavaltellinabike.it specifying the data of the two athletes. A secretarial fee of € 7.00 will be required for this operation, to be paid online.

Communications received after July 14, 2024 will not be considered.

License check, bib and race packs distribution will be at the Alta Valtellina Bike Village:

MARATHON (Id Race 169678):
Open athletes: Friday 26 from 14.00 to 18.30; Saturday 27 from 6.00 to 6.30
Master athletes: Friday 26 from 9 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.; Saturday 27 from 6 a.m. to 6.30 a.m.

ENDURANCE (Id Race 173135)
Open athletes: Friday 26th from 14:00 to 18:30; Saturday 27th from 6:00 to 8:30
Master athletes: Friday 26 from 9 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.; Saturday 27 from 6 a.m. to 8.45 a.m.

CLASSIC (Id Race 171471)
Open athletes: Friday 26th from 14:00 to 18:30; Saturday 27th from 6:00 to 9:00
Master athletes: Friday 26 from 9.00 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.; Saturday 27 from 6.00 a.m. to 9.00 a.m.

Please note that to collect the race pack, it is mandatory to show the cycling license.

The starts, based on the number of registered participants, will be made in staggered grids 8 minutes apart.

The allocation of grids (bibs) is based on the actual meritocracy and competitiveness of the participants (National Ranking - times AVBM editions 2018//2021/2022 - and more emblazoned races (Sellaronda Hero, Dolomiti Superbike, etc.) this is for greater fluidity and safety along the entire route.

Marathon route km 100 - start 1st group 7.30 a.m. - 2nd group 7.38 a.m. - 3rd group 7.46 a.m.

  • Gate Pian dell'Acqua Decauville km 66 3 p.m. (7h10' at 9.16 km/h)
  • Boron gate km 82 4:45 p.m. (8h50' at 9.22 km/h)

Gate closing time was set based on the departure of the 3rd group at 7:46 am.

Endurance route km 76 - start 1st group 9.30 a.m. - 2nd group 9.38 a.m. 

  • Gate Pian dell'Acqua Decauville km 42 hrs 15.00 (5h30' at 7.63 km/h)
  • Boron gate km 58 4:45 p.m. (7h10' at 8.09 km/h)

Gate closing time was set based on the departure of the 2nd group at 9:46 am.

Classic route km 44 - departure 1st group 11.20 am 

  • Boron gate km 26 4:45 p.m.


n. Localition Marathon km 100 Endurance km 76 Classic km 44
1 Lago Scale km 12 km 12 km 12
2 Petin km 29 km 29  
3 Lago Livigno km 42    
4 Petin km 52    
5 Vezzola km 60 km 37  
6 Arnoga km 70 km 47 km 14
7 Cardonè km 78 km 54 km 22
8 Boron km 84 km 60 km 28
9 Forte d'Oga km 94 km 70 km 38


Scheduled for Friday, July 28 in Valdidentro at the Alta Valtellina bike village Loc. Rasin at 5 pm.

It will be carried out by EvoData Srl with technology based on the use of OneChip. Each participant must be compulsorily equipped with a valid personal chip or a daily rental chip.

The following types of chips can be used:

Cycling and MTB 2024-enabled personal OneChip

One DailyChip rental for the day


Please note: Indicate the personal chip code on the registration form.

  • Chips and/or related qualifiers can be purchased at shop.endu.net or at the race "Chip Point";
  • The DailyChip can only be rented at the Race Chip Point at a cost of €5.00 by paying a deposit of €10.00. The deposit, less the rental cost, will be returned when the chip is returned, which must be done at the Chip Point itself within 15 minutes after the end of the race;
  • Other types of chips not expressly indicated are not usable;
  • Failure to use or incorrect use of the CHIP will result in non-inclusion in the ranking and non-attribution of the time taken.

They will be available immediately after the race at the following link https://www.endu.net/events/id/54765/results and on our website.


Prize money for the first 10 classified in the OPEN M and F categories (Elite and Under 23)

Prizes in kind for the first 5 in each category from Elite Sport Men to M7+, Elite Sport W to W3.



Cash prizes for the first 5 absolute M/F finishers

Prizes in kind for the first 5 of each category from Elite Sport Men to M7+, from Elite Sport W to W3.



Cash prizes for the first 5 classified in the competitive Junior category M/F.

Prizes in kind for the first 3 overall M/F.

Prizes in kind for the first 3 in each category from Elite Sport Men to M7+, from Elite Sport W to W3.



TOP TEAM - Best team in Italy - prize money
SUPER TEAM - Largest and most distant team - trophy and prize in kind


The organizing committee reserves the right to make changes to the rules, course and race profile. The event will take place under any weather conditions that do not jeopardize the safety and health of the participants, and may be interrupted at the discretion of the organizer.

If, due to force majeure, the event does not take place, the participation fee will neither be refunded nor transferred to the following year. Full details about this will be announced on the Internet or on site during the race.

Provides for the use of ambulances with doctors and nurses, fixed First Aid points including a permanent one in the finish area, mobile Radio Rescue service.

- First aid point Bormio 10 km away tel. +39 0342 909137
- Sondalo hospital 27 km away tel. +39 0342 808250

A mechanical assistance service will be positioned in the start/finish area. Along the route will be placed nr. 4 reserved areas for refueling and authorized technical assistance managed by the teams: they will be clearly indicated and numbered, closed to the public and only authorized personnel will have access to them.

It will be possible to carry out technical assistance only in the marked areas that must have a box outside the race course so as not to hinder the passage of competitors.

Participation with another runner's bib, transferring the bib to others, starting in an earlier grid than the one assigned or other serious fact, which will be detected by the organization, will cause immediate disqualification from the event. The above measures are taken by the organization.

We appeal to the civic sense of the participants in order not to throw garbage along the route, but rather placing it in the appropriate containers at the refreshment stations, identified by a start and end refreshment. Competitors, who throw objects of any kind outside the spaces, will be disqualified. It is strictly forbidden, under penalty of disqualification or ouster, to use bicycles equipped with any kind of support, electric and/or electronic type aid, pedal assist or tandem.

Participation in the Alta Valtellina bike marathon is at one's own risk. By registering (including at the hands of third parties) the competitor waives any claims, including those of third parties, against the organizing committee and all natural and legal persons of other organizations involved in the event. Furthermore, by registering, the competitor declares that he/she is adequately trained, to cope with the effort required.

  • attach to the handlebars the number and chip provided by the organization
  • the bib number may not be changed or in any way altered
  • use the approved hard helmet and fastened for the duration of the race
  • compulsorily respect the highway code in road passages
  • participants stopped at the maximum time gates must hand over their bib to the gate manager
  • those who have not entered the grid 10 (ten) minutes before the start are automatically placed in the last starting grid
  • it is mandatory to bring a puncture repair kit with you to the race
  • it is recommended to bring along some spare clothing and a cape in case of bad weather
  • slower competitors must immediately give way to those that are overtaking
  • sections with low visibility must be approached with caution
  • it is mandatory to stop and repair damage at visible points outside the race course
  • runners leaving the race must give notice to the first control officer on the course and at the finish line
  • changing lanes is no longer allowed in the finish area
  • violation of these rules will result in disqualification

Any complaints must be received by the jury within the regulation deadlines accompanied by the fee provided according to the F.C.I. regulations.

For anything not covered by these regulations, the FCI 2023 off-road sector implementing rules apply.

The organization reserves the right to make changes to the regulations at any time. The website is the official information organ of the event. Therefore, all official communications will be made known on the website.

Nature is the hostess; we are in the Stelvio National Park. Do not leave trash along the route.

It is strictly forbidden to litter along the trail. Garbage should be thrown into the bins placed after the refreshment stations. Failure to follow the rules will result in immediate disqualification.

Alta Valtellina Committee
Via Don Peccedi, 7
23038 Valdidentro (So)

Race enquiries

By submitting the entry form, the competitor declares:

  • to have a medical certificate according to the Ministerial Decree of 18/02/82, under penalty of disqualification of the athlete, the organization assumes no responsibility in case of any accident or illness of the athlete
  • to have a regular membership card if registered with an Italian Cycling Federation or Council Body
  • that he/she has read these regulations The participant gives his/her consent to the use of his/her images and data, right according to the provisions of Privacy Law No. 675 of 31/12/1996.

Personal data communicated at the time of registration will be saved, used and processed exclusively in function of the organization and conduct of the event. By registering, the participant declares as of now, that personal data may also be used by third parties. The participant declares that he/she accepts the publication, in paper and digital form, of the starting lists and final rankings on the various websites of the event, of the National and International Cycling Federations and of the timing company. By registering, the participant declares that he/she consents to the publication of his/her personal data in all media (internet, homepage and printed). Furthermore, the participant and the organizer declare that the photographic and video material, made within the framework of the event, may be disseminated and published, without availing themselves of any claims.

- Saturday 27 July 2024 - Alta Valtellina Bike Marathon awaits you

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